Science First
• 86475 Gene Lasserre Blvd, Yulee, FL 32097 USA
800-875-3214 • 904-225-5558 • FAX 904-225-2228 •
Set-Up Instructions
7. With the bottom of the projector facing
away from you and fisheye lens pointing up,
carefully slide the projector downwards onto
the 2 brackets located on the upper left side of
the stand (see Figures 6 and 7). Both projector
hooks should fit securely in the brackets on
the stand.
8. Next, connect all the cables to the projector.
Attach both the power cord and the VGA
cable. The VGA cable should then be plugged
into the Mini Display Port on your laptop.
9. Plug the included speakers into an open USB
port on your computer.
10. Once everything has been plugged in, turn
on the computer and projector. The projector
can be turned on with the remote or with the
button on the bottom of the projector. Note:
there is a master power switch next to the
input for the cord. If your projector does not
activate, you may need to flip this switch.
11. The final step is to load Starry Night™
software. Double click the “Projector”
icon. Immediately afterward, double click
the “Small Dome” icon. The program will
start after a brief boot- up period. It will
automatically output to the projector.
Enjoy your system!
Brackets to hold projector
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7