10.0MHz reference is too small or more than a
fewpercent off the nominal 10.0MHz. If this
occurs, the LCD will display the message "Ext
Clk Error".
Bit 2: This bit is set whenever a trigger occurs
that starts a delay cycle. Triggers, which occur
during a delay cycle, do not set this bit, rather
they will set bit 4, the rate error bit.
Bit 1: This bit is set if the unit is currently busy
with a timing cycle. Unlike all of the other
status bits, it is not latched (rather it reflects the
current status of the unit) and it is not reset
when read by the IS command (it is reset when
the unit finishes the current timing cycle.)
Bit 0: This bit is set if a command error is
detected. If this bit is set, the controller should
read the Error Status Byte to determine the exact
nature of the command error. Command errors
can originate from either the GPIB or from front
panel interactions.
SM {i}
Set Status Mask for service request to i. The service
request status mask is used to specify which
Instrument Status bits will generate a GPIB service
request. For example, if the command "SM 16" is
sent, then a service request will be generated if the
"trigger rate too high" bit is set. When a service
request is generated, the corresponding bit in the
Service Request Mask is turned off. This will
prevent an uncontrolled stream of service requests
from being generated by the DG535. To re-enable
the service request, the controller must again set the
service request mask with the "SM i" command.
CS {i}
Set Cursor Mode (i=0) or Number mode (i=1). The
unit must be in the cursor mode (CS 0) for the SC,
MC, or IC commands to work. Note that certain
menu items allow only one type of cursor mode. For
example, there is no numeric mode for the menu
item, which selects between TTL, NIM, ECL and
VAR outputs, and there is no cursor mode in the
STORE and RECALL Menus. Selecting an
DL {i, j, k}
Select Display to show menu i, submenu j, line k. The menu, submenu, and line number designations are
given in the table below:
i j k
Display Example
0 0 0
Int Ext Ss Bur Line
Trigger Mode Menu
0 1 0
Rate =1234000.123Hz
Internal Trigger Rate
0 2 0
Threshold = +1.23V
External Trigger Menu
0 2 1
Slope(±) = +
0 2 2
Trigger Term = 50
0 3 0
Single Shot (EXC)
Single Shot Trigger
0 4 0
Rate =1234000.000Hz
Burst Trigger Menu
0 4 1
0 4 2
Periods/Burst 12345
1 0 0
A = T+123.456789123450
Delay Menus
1 0 1
B = A- 0.123456789125
1 0 2
C = B+ 23.456789123455
1 0 3
D = T+ 0.000000000005