is remedied.
To use the timebase in one DG535 as the
timebase for several DG535's, set the switch on
the "master unit" to the INT position. Use coax
cables to daisychain the 10.000 MHz output
from the "master unit" to the other DG535's
whose switches are all set to the EXT position.
Use a 50
terminator to terminate the 50
at the last unit on the daisychain.
OPTION 02 - ±32 Volt Rear Panel Outputs
If the DG535 was ordered with the option 02,
there will be five rear panel BNC's to provide
amplified outputs for T0, A, B, C and D. These
outputs have nominal adjustable output
amplitudes from -32 to +32 Volts. The pulse
width is approximately 1 µs, and the leading
edge has a transition time of 2 to 3 ns. The
outputs are designed to drive 50
however, if the cable is terminated into a high
impedance load, the pulse amplitude will double
(up to 64 Volts) for a duration equal to the
round trip cable delay. The amplitude of the
output pulse is reduced by 2 Volts per mA of
average output current: the average output
current is only 0.7 mA for a 32 Volt output into
at a
kHz repetition rate. For high
impedance terminations, charging and
discharging of the cable capacitance may be the
most important current factor. In this case, the
average current is given by:
I = 2Vtƒ / Z
where, V is the pulse step size, t is the length of the
cable in time (5 ns/meter for RG-58), ƒ is the pulse
repetition rate, and Z is the cable's characteristic
impedance (50
for RG-58).
Pressing a new menu key will take you to the "top"
menu for that item. Each successive press of the
same menu key will take you to the "next" submenu
for that item. The power-up menu will be the same
menu that was displayed when the unit was last
turned off.
The Keypad mode (cursor or numeric) will be the
same as it was the last time the menu item was
accessed. Some menu items only allow one type of
keypad mode, for example, the GPIB address may
only be entered in the numeric mode.
In the cursor mode, only the keys with arrows are
active. The keys with the green arrows are used to
modify the displayed value (up/down) or to move
the cursor (left/right). The two keys with grey
arrows are used to adjust the LCD display contrast.