STACK Digital Video Recorder
Users Guide
Triggered Recording
It is possible to configure the DVR to record for a pre-set duration
each time the Record Switch is activated. This mode is used when
the SW input is connected to external sensors, such as when motion
or PIR detectors, are used to start the DVR, eg, for video
surveillance installations.
No Re-Trigger
Time (Seconds)
Switch closed
Switch closed twice
30 Sec
30 Sec
In the example above, the DVR has been configured for Triggered
Recording of 30 seconds duration with no re-trigger. As soon as the
Record Switch is switched on (its contacts close), the DVR will start
recording. It will continue to record for 30 seconds no matter how
long or how many times the Record Switch is operated during that
period. See Triggered Record Notes on page 26.
Re-Trigger on Going Active
Time (Seconds)
Switch closed twice
30 Sec
Timer reset on last Record input activation
In this mode, the DVR timer is re-set every time the Record Switch
is activated (its contacts close). This will increase the record time to
30 seconds from the last activation of the Record input. See
Triggered Record Notes on page 26.