STACK Digital Video Recorder
Users Guide
The table below shows the function of the DVR’s front panel
status LED. A green LED generally indicates the unit is
functioning correctly and a red LED indicates a fault or reset
LED Operation
Static green
The Stack Digital Video Recorder is
ready to record (video and disk OK).
Flashing long red / short green
(with no gaps)
In stand-by (or unable to record) with
disk not present, faulty or full. Video
input OK.
Flashing long green / short red
(with no gaps)
In stand-by (or unable to record) with
video not present but disk OK.
Flashing equally green / red
(0.5s red / 0.5s green with no gaps)
Digital Video Recorder is under
external control of the PC
Configuration software.
Static red
Unable to record as video and disk not
present, faulty or full. Or system fault.
Flashing green
External Recording Status Lamp also
Recording OK. The longer the green
flash the greater the disk space
remaining. With an empty disk the
LED will flash for approx. 3 seconds.
With 50% disk capacity remaining the
LED will flash 1.5 sec on, 1.5 off.
With 10% remaining LED will flash for
0.3 sec on, 2.7 sec off.
Fast flashing green / red
Recording but video is not present, ie,
audio only is being recorded.
Flashing red (fast)
System reset / preparing to record or
disk format.
To play a recording:
To play DVR files with Windows Media Player, an MPEG-2
decoder must be installed on the PC. This should be present if a
DVD drive or player is installed. The decoder is NOT included
with the DVR Configuration Utility.
Other MPEG-2 compatible software players may be used.