STACK Digital Video Recorder
Users Guide
Chapter 4 - Operation
To make a recording:
Check that video, power and a Record Switch are connected as
described in Chapter 3. Check that the Record Switch is set to the
open (off) position.
Apply DC power and the LED on the front panel will light showing
the status of the unit.
The status LED can only be seen when the water-tight door is open.
If the LED shows static green the system is ready to record.
If the LED is not static green, refer to the table below to find out the
DVR’s status.
If the Low Power Mode has been selected (see page 24), the LED will
light for approximately six seconds on power up before entering the
low current stand-by mode.
Before making a recording, ensure there is enough disk
space available or preferably, reformat the Flash Disk. Disk space
may be checked on a PC or by making a trial recording and viewing
the DVR’s status LED, located inside the water-tight door (as
described below). Reformatting may be achieved using a PC. See
page 14 for more information regarding formatting options.
To start recording close the Record Switch. The LED will flash fast
red for approximately 1 second as it prepares to record. Once
recording, the LED will flash green for 3 seconds with a mark space
ratio showing the disk capacity remaining:
With an empty disk the LED will flash for approximately 3 seconds.
With 50% disk capacity remaining it will flash 1.5 sec on, 1.5 off.
With 10% remaining the LED will flash for 0.3 sec on, 2.7 sec off.
To stop recording, open (switch off) the Record Switch. The status
LED will revert to showing static green.
The disk may now be removed and placed into a PC with a suitable
PCMCIA card slot.