2 VST Variable Speed Pump Installation and User’s Guide
Pump Menu: Priming
Priming Features
Default: ENABLED
Allows IntelliPro
2 VST Variable Speed Pump to automatically detect if pump if is
primed for startup. The pump will speed up to 1800 RPM and pause for three (3)
seconds - if there is enough water in the basket, the pump will go out of priming
mode and run the commanded speed.
Default: 11 minutes
The maximum priming time can be set from 1 - 30 minutes. This setting is the
amount of time the pump will try to prime before it gives a priming error. If this
occurs, fill the pump basket with water and restart the pump.
Default: 20 seconds
Priming delay can be set from 1 second to 10 minutes.
If the pump does not have enough water after the automatic priming mode, the
pump will increase to the Priming Speed and run for 20 seconds (or for the time set).
You may need to increase the priming delay to allow the system to stabilize before
the pump starts running speeds. If pump continues to show a priming error,
increasing the priming delay time might correct this issue.
Default: 5
Priming range can be set from 1-10. The smaller the range, the more water the
pump has to be moving to detect that it is primed. At larger ranges, the pump will
detect that it is fully primed while moving less water. If the range is set too high,
then the pump may exit Priming mode before it has fully primed. The range will
automatically adjust with the priming set speed because the flow rates of the pump
will be lower at lower speeds.
Default: 3450 RPM
The priming speed can be set between 2400 RPM and 3450 RPM. If the pump is
on an equipment pad that is close to the water level, it will not need to run at 3450
RPM to successfully prime. The setting can be lowered to prevent running at a
higher speed than necessary.
Day to day factors (i.e. local ambient pressure, water/air temperatures, amount of
water retained from last system run) can effect priming performance. Because of the
frequently changing nature of these factors the priming speed should be set high
enough to accommodate environmental and mechanical changes to ensure that the
pump can successfully prime. Finding the most effective and efficient speed for your
specific needs may take careful testing and evaluation of priming performance.