Ashby-MF Insert
Clean Out Ports.
The Ashby-MF Insert has 2 Exhaust Cleanout Ports located in the LEFT
AND RIGHT lower corners of the firebox. Remove covers and clean regularly.
Figure 27
Figure 27 also shows the location of the Exhaust Tee clean-out rod. The insert has a built in
cleanout to be able to vacuum the buildup that accumulates in the vent system from the front of
the unit without having to pull the unit from the fireplace. Figure 28 shows the area that can be
reached with a vacuum cleaner without having to pull the insert from the fireplace. Cleaning this
area on a regular basis will prevent the vent system from becoming plugged with fly-ash. The
recommended size of the hose to use for vacuuming this area is 1.25” outside diameter.
Frequency of cleaning depends on the amount of fuel being burnt and the quality of the Corn,
Wheat, Rye, Cherry Pits or Distiller’s Grain.
Failure to clean the Ash Traps will cause the
Insert to become plugged with Fly Ash.