Ashby-MF Insert
NOTE: Corn with excessive grain dust must be screened, by sifting with 3/16" mesh
screening. Large pieces of cob may plug the auger.
Clinkers and Ash are a by-product of burning corn and are not caused by your stove. Stove
performance can be quickly and severely reduced if poor quality corn is used. Contact your
dealer for more information on where to get high quality corn to burn in your new corn stove.
Store approved fuel in a tight container use other methods to ensure they do not become rain
soaked or absorb moisture from damp or wet floors. This will also prevent rodents from
becoming a problem. Do not store approved fuel within stove installation clearances or within
the space required for clinker removal.
The stove is not warranted against damage caused by poor quality fuel, incorrect operation, poor
maintenance or incorrect installation.
No Standard exists for Cherry Pits used as Fuel.
Inspect fuel before buying.
When burning cherry pits or any other fuels
mixed with cherry pits,
the side shields must be
removed. Failure to remove the side shields will prevent fuel from spilling into the Ashpan in the
event the pot overloads. See figure 16 on page 28 showing the removal of the side shields. The
shields lift up and are removed without needing any tools.
DISTILLER’S GRAIN - No Standard exists for Distillers Grain used as Fuel.
Inspect fuel
before buying.
When burning Distiller’s Grain or any other fuels
mixed with Distiller Grain
the side shields
must be removed. Failure to remove the side shields will prevent fuel from spilling into the
Ashpan in the event the pot overloads. See figure 16 on page 28 showing the removal of the side
shields. The shields lift up and are removed without needing any tools.
Distiller’s Grain is a byproduct of producing Ethanol and has higher oil content than corn itself.
Due to this the stove may require more frequent cleaning. Soot may rapidly form in the exhaust
system if the air is not set properly. Check the exhaust frequently when burning Distiller’s Grain.
No Standard exists for Wheat used as Fuel.
Inspect fuel before buying.
Wheat is a
small grain and burns in a similar manner as corn. It forms a clinker in the burnpot that is tends
to stick to the sides of the pot. When dropping the Clinker it may need to be pushed into the
Ashpan using a long narrow screwdriver or a similar tool.
Wheat is a small lightweight grain,
more residue will blow out of the burnpot as it burns. If an excessive amount seems to be
blowing out of the pot, adjust the damper by closing it a small amount at a time.
(Read the
section covering the Combustion Air Damper on page 33 - 35)
No Standard exists for Rye used as Fuel.
Inspect fuel before buying.
Rye is a small grain
and burns in a similar manner as corn. It forms a clinker in the burnpot that is tends to stick to the
sides of the pot. When dropping the Clinker it may need to be pushed into the Ashpan using a
long narrow screwdriver or a similar tool. Rye is also a small lightweight grain, more residue
will blow out of the burnpot as it burns. If an excessive amount seems to be blowing out of the
pot, adjust the damper by closing it a small amount at a time.
(Read the section covering the
Combustion Air Damper on page 33 - 35)