Ashby-MF Insert
Set the damper according to the list “Initial Damper Settings” on the previous page.
Once the Stove is burning, leave the control board on the #1 setting for ½ an hour. This will
allow the Stove to warm up before any adjustments to the damper are made. After ½ an hour,
look in the burn pot to see if the burn pot is balanced. The Stove should be burning fine and an
adjustment is most likely not needed. Make note of any damper changes you make at each heat
level for future reference.
Advance the heat setting to #2 and let the Stove burn at this setting for ½ an hour. Check
the burn pot to see if it is balanced. Most likely the Stove will be burning fine at this point.
Advance the heat setting to #3 and let the Stove burn at this setting for ½ an hour. Check
the burn pot to see if it is balanced.
Look at the coals in the pot, not at what the
flame looks like. Most likely the damper will not need to be adjusted.
Advance the heat setting to #4 and let the Stove burn at this setting for ½ an hour. Check to
see if the pot is balanced. This is where a damper adjustment
need to be made. As the
heat setting reaches the higher settings the
“Lag time”
can become too long if the air isn’t
adjusted correctly. If you notice that the coals are being covered up with unburned fuel, adjust
the damper to give it more air by sliding the damper control 1/16” only
If the grain has formed a clump in the pot, use a screwdriver to break up the clump of fuel to
allow for proper airflow). Wait 15 minutes to see if the burn pot becomes balanced. Repeat this
step as many times as needed until the burn pot becomes balanced.
Advance the heat setting to #5 and let the Stove burn at this setting for ½ an hour. Check
the burn pot to see if it is balanced. A small damper adjustment might need to be made at this
time to make sure the “
Lag time”
isn’t too long.
only adjust the damper 1/16” at
a time and wait 15 minutes to see if the burn pot becomes balanced. Repeat this step as many
times as needed until the burn pot becomes balanced.
Additional draft adjustments can be made using the Draft trim feature built into the control
board. Read point 4 on page 30 and read the “Frequently Asked Questions” in the back of the
The Ashby-MF offers our customers the optional feature of thermostatically controlling your
new stove. By using a thermostat to control the operation of your Pellet stove, you can benefit
two ways. First of all, after setting the thermostat to your desired heating needs the stove will
operate accordingly to uniformly maintain your desired temperature setting. Secondly, the fuel
consumption is being optimized, which ultimately results in lowering your seasonal heating
While the room temperature remains cooler than your desired thermostat setting, the stove will
operate at any of the 5 HEAT ADJUST selector positions.