16- 8
1. With the engine off, apply the parking brake lever and attempt to move the UTV.
2. If the rear wheels are locked, it is adjusted properly.
3. If the wheels are not locked, it must be adjusted.
4. The maximum free play is equal to one click of the parking brake lever. If necessary,
adjust the free play as follows.
The adjustment on the caliper is for the wear out of the pads.
1. With the engine off, loosen the adjuster on the lever.
2. Loosen the nut of the adjuster on the caliper.
3. Turn the adjuster (bolt) CW (clockwise) by hand until the pads touch the brake disc,
turn the adjuster bolt CCW (counterclockwise) by 1/4 to one turn for 10 to 20mm free
play at the end of the parking lever.
4. Tighten the nuts securely against the adjusters.
5. Make sure the rear wheels turn freely without dragging.
6. Turn the adjuster (the one on the lever) and apply the lever. While adjusting, it is
important you apply the lever back and forth for operation, free play and the locking of
the parking position.
7. Make sure the rear wheels turn freely without dragging and the parking brake
works properly.
8. Field test for parking. It must be capable of holding the laden UTV stationary on an
18% up and down gradient.
Don’t over tighten the adjuster. The maximum free play is equal to one click of the
parking brake lever.
A temporary adjustment can also be done to the brake cable on the parking lever side
by turning the adjuster (nut) directly. But the adjustment range is limited. Always do
procedure 1 to 8
when necessary.
To adjust (set up) the mechanical parking brake, use the following procedure