Compression Damper Installation
Install and tighten the retaining screw.
2018 30 Silver TK R / 2018 Recon RL R /
2018 Recon TK R:
Install the remote spool with the cable set screw in
the 8 o'clock position and tighten the retaining screw.
2018 Judy Silver TK R:
Install the remote spool with the cable set
screw in the 9 o'clock postion and tighten the retaining screw.
2.5 mm
2.5 mm
1.4 N·m (12 in-lb)
2.5 mm
2.5 mm
1.4 N·m (12 in-lb)
2018 30 TK R / Recon RL R / Recon TK R
2018 Judy TK R
2.5 mm
1.4 N·m (12 in-lb)