Lower Leg Removal
Place an oil pan beneath the fork to catch the draining oil.
Loosen both bottom bolts 3 to 4 turns.
Insert a 5 mm hex wrench into each bottom bolt head and strike the
wrench to dislodge the shafts from the lower leg. The bolt head should
contact the bottom of the lower leg.
Remove each bottom bolt. Clean each bolt and set them aside.
Firmly pull the lower leg downward until oil begins to drain. Continue
pulling downward to remove the lower leg.
If the lower leg does not slide off of the upper tube or if oil does not
drain from either side, the press fit of the shaft(s) into the lower leg may
still be engaged. Reinstall the bottom bolts 2 to 3 turns and repeat the
previous step.
Do not strike the fork arch with any tool when removing the lower
leg as this could damage the lower leg.
50 Hour Service
Continue the 50 Hour Service with
200 Hour Service
Continue the 200 Hour Service with
5 mm
Spring side
5 mm
Damper side
5 mm and Mallet
Spring side
Spring side
5 mm and Mallet
Damper side
Damper side