Damper Service - Judy Silver, 30 Silver, Recon Silver RL, Recon Silver TK
D a m p e r S e r v i c e - J u d y S i l v e r , 3 0 S i l v e r , R e c o n S i l v e r R L , R e c o n S i l v e r T K
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
D a m p e r R e m o v a l
Service procedures are the same for Motion Control (RL) and Turnkey (TK) dampers.
Inspect each part for scratches. Do not scratch any sealing surfaces when
servicing your suspension. Scratches can cause leaks.
When replacing seals and o-rings, use your fingers or a pick to remove the
seal or o-ring. Spray isopropyl alcohol on each part and clean with a clean
lint-free shop towel.
Apply Liquid-O-Ring PM600 or SRAM Butter grease to the new seals and
o-rings. If a brush is used to apply grease, confirm there are no loose
bristles in the grease or on the part.
Crown Adjust - Judy Silver TK / 30 Silver TK / Recon Silver RL /
Recon Silver TK:
Turn the compression adjuster knob to the full open
Remove the compression knob retaining screw.
Remove the knob.
Recon Silver
Remove the detent spring.
SRAM Butter
2.5 mm
2.5 mm
Recon Silver RL