9 Operations Manual
Wall Extruder (Frame Nailer Gen IV and Tables)
Handling & Transport
Box all additional parts and secure with the machine
Using a single fork truck, lift the machine package underneath using the forklift spaces
Once on the truck, tightly strap the machine.
place any loads on top of the machine
The machine should be kept free from road grime and rain, and should be covered at all
times while being transported
The Wall Extruder will be delivered in large component form and will require assembly on site by
trained personnel. Due care and attention should be given whilst unpacking the components from
their packaging materials. Any damage caused whilst in transit should be noted immediately and
Spida Machinery informed. Refer to section 4 specifications for weights of individual components
when selecting Manual Handling Equipment required, prior to positioning them on the selected site.
It is advisable to forklift the machine package as close to the final assembly point as possible
to reduce manual lifting
The final operating position of the machine must be free from any rubbish or impediments
There must be good lighting in the installation area to allow proper positioning of the
The ground on which the machine rests must not vary by more than 30mm over a 12m x 5m
The Wall Extruder should be leveled using jacking bolts on steel jacking plates. Once level,
machine should be bolted to the floor through holes provided.
Electrical commissioning to be to local standards and be performed by a qualified electrician
The site selected for the Wall Extruder will depend on the ground. The ground chosen should be
clean and free of water or possible flooding. The area on which the framework sits must be as even
and horizontal as possible. This can be achieved by adjusting the length of the feet. There should be
no twist to the framework once the feet have been adjusted to take the ground
into account.
The final operating position of the machine should be free of all rubbish or impediments, with
general access to all areas of the Wall Extruder for the ease of loading and unloading frames of
varying sizes.
With the machine in position, a qualified engineer should be used to connect the pneumatic
components to the machine and adjust the air pressure to the required setting (refer to 4
Specifications for pressure settings).