Manual for dialog Web
Order no.: 443 150
1.2. Support
The information given in this manual was carefully compiled. Should you have
any further questions regarding this product, please contact:
SafeSquare GmbH
Am Graben 2-6
42477 Radevormwald
+49 (2191) 56814-0
+49 (2191) 56814-89
1.3. Warranty and liability
The warranty of the device – unless otherwise contractually agreed – is 12 months from
the time of delivery. In the event of not following the information and instructions given
in this manual, or if the product is not used in accordance with its intended purpose or
the specified ambient conditions, spega reserves the right to refuse liability for damage
to the product. Additionally, spega shall not be liable for consequential damage and/or
injury to people or property in such cases.
1.4. Explanation of used pictograms
These instructions contain pictograms which are used as cautionary notes, to facilitate
the safe operation and complete commissioning of the system.
VOLTAGE: Denotes immediate danger of electrocution in the event of
the given instructions not being followed. This may result in severe
injury or death (personal injury).
WARNING: Denotes other immediate dangers in the event of the given
instructions not being followed. This may result in severe injury or death
(personal injury).
CAUTION: Denotes a source of danger which, in the event of the given
instructions not being followed, may result in damage to property or to
the environment.
Version 2.01
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