Manual for dialog Web
Order no.: 443 150
The several operating modules are assigned to the several elements of a Lonmark
object on the configure
room operating units (RBG)
page. You can create several user
interfaces (RBG variants) here. One for each LON configuration (room type). As a help,
you can display the LON configuration of any Lonmark object (room) as a room
reference in this dialog.
The set room reference has no influence on the configuration of the RBG variant. It is
only for information purposes.
3.4. List of rooms
To configure the room list, on the central administration page, in the
LONMark objects
category, click
Room list
Here you see a list of all licensed Lonmark objects (rooms). During the LON
configuration a room name can be specified for each Lonmark object. This name is
displayed here in the column
and serves as an help when assigning the room
name as it should be displayed on the user interface. In the
RBG variant
column, select
the user interface configuration that matches the respective room or the configuration
of the Lonmark object. At this point, you therefore combine the "LON world" and the
user interfaces.
In the
column you can specify or this room should also be able to be
operated via a Siemens OpenStage 60 or 80 IP phone. Additional licenses are required
for this.
In order to facilitate the initial configuration but also major configuration changes, it is
possible to export the room data to a CSV file, edit it in a suitable program such as
Microsoft Excel and import it again. To do this, use the
room data dialogs: Mass Import /
Version 2.01
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