Manual for dialog Web
Order no.: 443 150
3.2. Service pin of the EIA-852 (LON over IP) device
On the central administration page, click
Device configuration
Here you have the possibility to press the service pin and receive the neuron ID in LNS
based LON integration tools, as known from EIA-709 compatible devices. Additionally,
there is a sticker with the neuron ID on the dialog Web server housing.
3.3. Configuration of the operator interfaces
The configuration of a room operating unit consists on the one hand of the
configuration of the corresponding Lonmark object and on the other hand of the
configuration of the associated user interface. It is designed in such a way that
elementary settings can be reused or transferred and thus offers a maximum of
effectiveness and time savings both for the initial configuration and for later changes.
The Lonmark objects are configured using LNS plug-ins. They offer the possibility to
transfer all settings to a selection of Lonmark objects of all dialog Web Servers that are
located in an LNS project. This function can be found in the plug-ins in the
menu and
is called
Transfer parameter
. Thus, the LON configuration for each room type must
effectively be entered only once.
The user interface is configured via the web interface. An interface must be defined for
each LON configuration or room type. You can access the individual configuration
dialogs via the central administration page under the
The user interface consists of the various operating modules for controlling lighting,
curtains, room climate, ventilation and scenes. An operating module in turn consists of
buttons and display elements. Several variants of button configurations or indicating
element configurations can be created for the different operating modules. Appropriate
pictograms and designations must be assigned to the buttons. For the display elements,
the data points to be displayed and their type of representation, e.g. formatted value,
enumeration (text or graphic) must be defined. The enumerations for text and graphics
can also be configured. Standard configurations are already preset for all operating
modules and enumerations.
Version 2.01
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