MODE 3.1 Installation Instructions
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Installation of the MODE components is a simple process that requires only a few steps.
Though the MODE Adapter is a small plastic box that can be set on a shelf and left free-standing, it is recommended that it
be secured to a shelf, wall surface or DIN Rail to assure it will not be accidentally moved, in a way that could cause discon-
nections or damage to the unit.
Wall Mount
The MODE Adapter can be mounted directly to a wall surface using the Wall-Mount Screw Holes in the top of the Adapter
Chassis. The Adapter should be mounted SpeakerCraft label side out.
1. Hold Adapter in mounting position.
2. Carefully, at slow speed, drill starter holes for mounting screws.
3. Using minimum 1.5” screws, secure Adapter to wall surface. Do not overtighten to avoid cracking the Adapter case.
4. If using multiple Adapters, printing a small adhesive label identifying the source number and sticking it on the Adapter is
suggested to assist in making connections and troubleshooting.
Shelf Mount
Follow the instructions above for Wall Mount. When positioning the Adapter, set it on the shelf, with the SpeakerCraft label
side up and the red connection panel facing out for convenience in making connections. If using multiple Adapters, printing
a small adhesive label identifying the source number and sticking it on the Adapter is suggested to assist in making connec-
tions and troubleshooting.
DIN Rail
The MODE Adapter can also be mounted to a wall using standard 3.5mm DIN Rail. (DIN Rail can be found at Custom A/V
Products Distributors, Electrical Distributors and better Hardware Stores.) Be sure to have a rail section long enough for the
number of Adapters being mounted. A single Adapter can be mounted on a rail as short as 3 inches. A stack of six Adapters
would require a rail approximately 10-12 inches long.
1. Hold DIN Rail in mounting position, with the ‘U’ channel facing away from the wall. Try to mount the rail over wall studs
for added security.
2. Carefully, at slow speed, drill starter holes for mounting screws.
3. Using minimum 1” screws, secure DIN Rail to wall surface.
4. Slide the Adapter onto the DIN Rail, with the DIN Rail Clips on the Adapter holding the unit to the rail. If mounting mul-
tiple Adapters to the DIN Rail, it is recommended that the Adapters be slid on to the rail individually. (It’s easier to slide the
units onto the rail one at a time.)
5. Carefully press the Adapters together to secure the 12-pin interconnects. Secure the Locking Pin(s).
4. If using multiple Adapters printing a small adhesive label identifying the source and sticking it on each Adapter is sug-
gested to assist in making connections and troubleshooting.
If connecting iPod(s) as permanent sources, the MODE Base(s) can be installed at the head-end with the rest of the system
components. The Base does not require any special installation, but the Base is magnetically charged so when multiple Bases
are being installed, they will ‘stick’ to each other to help create a more solid footing and will be less likely to accidentally be
moved or knocked over.
CAUTION: Because the MODE Base is magnetically charged, it should not be placed directly on top of or near
CRTs or Plasma Displays. Magnetic fi elds will adversely affect the performance of these displays and could in
time permanently damage the display. (LCD Displays are not affected by magnetic fi elds.) Additionally, care
should be taken to avoid close encounters with magnetic media such as audio and video tapes or Credit Cards.
The magnets in the Base could erase important information on these media.