ST2883 Series Operation Manual Chapter 8 SCPI Command reference
The :BVOLTage command sets parameters for Break Test. The :BVOLTage? query returns the current voltage for
Break Test.
Command syntax:
IVOLTage:BVOLTage <SVolt>,<EVolt>,<VoltStep>
<SVolt> The start voltage for Break Test can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 format followed by unit. The set start voltage
ranges from 100V to 5000V and is less than <EVolt>.
<EVolt> The end voltage for Break Test can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 format followed by unit. The set end voltage
ranges from 100V to 5000V and is larger than <SVolt>.
<VoltStep> The voltage step for Break Test can be NR1, NR2 or NR3 format. The set voltage step ranges from 1%
to 50% of the <SVolt>.
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT:BVOLT 1000V,2KV,15” ); set the start voltage to 1000V, end voltage to 2000V
and voltage step to 1000*0.15 =150V.
Query syntax: IVOLT:BVOLT
Return format: <NR1>,<NR1>,<NR1><NL^END>
NOTE: The query for Break VOLTage returns no unit and the default voltage unit is V.
The :TIMPulse command sets the average times for testing. The :TIMPulse? query returns the current average
Command syntax: IVOLTage:TIMPulse <value>
<value1> is NR1 format ranging from 1 to 99 without unit.
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT: TIMPulse 20” ); set the average times to 20.
Query syntax: IVOLTage:TIMPulse
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
The :EIMPulse command the times of erasing impulses for testing. The :EIMPulse? query returns the current times
of erasing impulses.
Command syntax: IVOLTage: EIMPulse <value>
<value> is NR1 format ranging from 0 to 15 without unit.
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT: EIMPulse
4”); set the times to 4.
Query syntax: IVOLTage:EIMPulse
Return format: <NR1><NL^END>
The :VADJust command sets the impulse auto adjust function to ON or OFF.
The :VADJust? query returns the current state of the impulse auto adjust function.
1 (decimal 49)
When the function is ON
0 (decimal 48) When the function is OFF
For example: WrtCmd( “IVOLT:VADJ OFF” ); turn off the voltage auto adjust function.