4-9 (E)
4-4-5. Cursor H Position Setting
The Cursor H Position menu enables the user to change the horizontal position of the RPN point within
the effective period of video signal in the manual registration of RPN.
When the RPN cursor (indicating the location of a RPN pixel to register) is moved to an already-regis-
tered RPN correction point by the Cursor Next or Cursor Prev operation, the display automatically
switches to the numeric value of the horizontal position of the RPN point.
4-4-6. Cursor V Position Setting
The Cursor V Position menu enables the user to change the vertical position of the RPN point within the
effective period of video signal in the manual registration of RPN.
When the RPN cursor (indicating the location of a RPN pixel to register) is moved to an already-regis-
tered RPN correction point by the Cursor Next or Cursor Prev operation, the display automatically
switches to the numeric value of the vertical position of the RPN point.
4-4-7. Operating Cursor Next
The Cursor Next menu enables the user to move the RPN cursor position to the next already-registered
RPN correction point after the present position in the ascending order of the addresses during the manu-
al registration of RPN. (If multiple RPN positions have the same address in the ascending order of the
Cursor V Position, the RPN cursor moves in the ascending order of the Cursor H Position.)
4-4-8. Operating Cursor Prev
The Cursor Prev menu enables the user to move the RPN cursor position to the next already-registered
RPN correction point after the present position in the descending order of the addresses during the
manual registration of RPN. (If multiple RPN positions have the same address in the descending order
of the Cursor V Position, the RPN cursor moves in the descending order of the Cursor H Position.)
4-4-9. Compensation Level Display
The Compensation Level menu indicates the compensation level of the already-registered RPN correc-
tion point when the crosshair cursor is moved to a correction point by the Cursor Next or Cursor Prev
operation, and if the compensation mode of the already-registered point is Compensation.
The Compensation Level menu is dedicated to display only and the cursor cannot be moved to this
4-4-10. Executing Record
The Record menu enables the manual registration of RPN.
When Record menu is selected, the Execute and Cancel choices appear.
In addition, selecting Execute starts the registration of RPN.