The IC recorder cannot be turned on. The IC
The IC recorder cannot be turned off.
The IC recorder is powered off automatically.
You cannot charge the battery by connecting the ICrecorder to your
The charging indicator is not displayed or disappearsin the middle of
“COLD” or “HOT” is flashing instead of the batteryindicator.
The IC recorder does not operate correctly.
The recording lamp and the access lamp do not light.
The VOR function does not work.
When recording from other equipment, the inputlevel is too strong or
You cannot add a recording or an overwrite recording.
The playback sound becomes loud unexpectedly.
No sound comes from the speaker.
Sound comes from the speaker even when theheadphones are
Sound effect does not change even when the “Effect”setting is
Playback speed is too fast or too slow.
Playback sound is not good when a music file isplayed back.
You cannot copy a file to another memory.
There are fewer menu items displayed in the menumode.