Date: 27.09.17
Functional Profile LON RTS Module WM
animeo LON RTS Module 433/447 MHz . Ref. 51318943A
Divisor = 1
SCPT Reference
SCPTgain (31)
E.g. you would like to use a brightness sensor (sun sensor) with a measurement range
from 0 lux to 100000 lux and a resolution with 1 lux
=> multiplier = 100000
But the maximum value of multiplier can only be 65535. Therefore a variable is
needed which shows the same ratio between multiplier and divisor; e.g.
multiplier => 65535
divisor => 1391 Example: Electric Voltage As Analog Sensor
network input config SCPTnvType nciNetworkType =
This input configuration property sets the electric voltage value in volt at the following
network variables:
nv1 – nvoValue_x
Theoretical Range of SNVT_volt
-10,0 … 10,0 Volt (Resolution 0,1 V)