Date: 27.09.17
Functional Profile LON RTS Module WM
animeo LON RTS Module 433/447 MHz . Ref. 51318943A
RQ_UPDATE_STATUS Requests the status of the specified functional block to be
sent to the nvoStatus output network variable. The state of the functional
block is unchanged. A RQ_ UPDATE_STATUS request that specifies the
Node Object functional block is a request for the status of the device and
all functional blocks on the device. The status bits of the Node Object
(with the exception of invalid_request and invalid_id) are defined to be
the inclusive-OR of the status bits of all the other functional blocks in the
device; with the possible addition of error conditions and other conditions
attributed to the device as a whole, rather than to any individual functional
block. For example, if comm_failure is supported for the Node Object,
then it should be set when reporting the Node Object functional block
status whenever any of the functional blocks in the device reports
communications failure, as well as when there is a communications failure
at the device level.
status mask
reporting the status bits that are
supported by the specified functional block to be sent to the nvoStatus
output network variable. A one bit in the status mask means that the device
may set the corresponding bit in the object status when the condition
defined for that bit occurs. A zero bit in the status mask means that the bit
is never set by the device. For example, if object disable
(RQ_DISABLED) is not supported for a functional block, the disabled
bit in the status mask must be zero for that functional block. If self-test
(RQ_SELF_TEST) is not supported for a functional block, the
fail_self_test and self_test_in_progress bits in the status mask must be
zero for that functional block. If alarm reporting
(RQ_UPDATE_ALARM or asynchronous notification) is not supported,
the in_alarm bit in the status mask must be zero for that functional block.
A RQ_REPORT_MASK request that specifies the Node Object
functional block requests a status mask that is the inclusive-OR of
supported status bits for the device and all functional blocks on the device.
Valid Range
The valid range is any value within the defined limits of SNVT_obj_request.
Default Value
The default value is undefined.
Configuration Considerations
None specified.