Date: 27.09.17
Functional Profile LON RTS Module WM
animeo LON RTS Module 433/447 MHz . Ref. 51318943A
SCPT Reference
SCPTmaxSendTime (49)
5.4.3. Min Send Time
network input config SNVT_time_sec nciMinSendTime;
This input configuration property sets the minimum period of time that must expire
before the Object will automatically (cyclically) update one of the following network
nv1 – nvoValue_x
The internal measuring hardware is controlled as well by this configuration property,
Zero means measuring disabled.
Valid Range
0 …. 6553.5 seconds (only complete seconds will be processed)
Default Value
0.0 seconds.
SCPT Reference
SCPTminSendTime (52)
Configuration Considerations
Reset Flag set: The device should be reset after modification of this configuration
MinSendTime has to be set to 1.0 seconds to be active.
0 = inactive
5.4.4. Send On Analog Sensor Delta
SCPT Reference
SCPTsndDelta (27)