CIE-H10A User Manual Ver. 1.1
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Activation of [TCP Server] option
In the TCP client mode, the [TCP Server] check option is activated. If you check this
option, CIE-H10A operates in the TCP server/client mode. In this mode, CIE-H10A can
establish a TCP connection both actively and passively without changing any settings.
Fig 6-4 time chart for activating [TCP Server] option
CIE-H10A is waiting for request segments of a TCP connection
The connection has been established
CIE-H10A is on line and processes of the disconnection
The connection has been terminated
Both sides are offline
Sends a request segment of a TCP connection
Table 6-9 descriptions of each state
The TCP Server/Client mode only can be a useful option under condition of using [Event
Byte] and [Timeout]. Note that only one TCP connection can be established at the same
time, so users should consider setting [Timeout] properly.
Refer to the [TCP Server/Client mode] document on our web site for details.