(5) Frequency-Watt Mode
Func Select
Func Select: ON or OFF can be chosen;
Frequency-Watt Mode means that the inverter may change its active power
output with changes in grid frequency.
When the Safety is RULE 21, the parameters are shown as below:
FreqHighPoint: can be 60.10Hz or 60.04Hz, reserves two decimal fractions;
FreqLowPoint will automatically transform according to the value of
FreqHighPoint. It will be 59.90Hz or 59.96Hz,
FreqDroop: the value is 50% Prated/Hz.
When the Safety is RULE 14H, the parameters are shown as below:
dbOF and dbUF are the single sided Deadband values, for high-frequency and
low-frequency, respectively;
dbOF: range is 0.017Hz to 1.000Hz, the default is 0.036Hz;
dbUF: range is 0.017Hz to 1.000Hz, the default is 0.036Hz;
kOF and kUF is per-unit change in frequency corresponding to a 1 p.u. change
in frequency (i.e. the slope of the Frequency-watt (FW) function);
kOF: range is 0.02 to 0.07, the default is 0.04;
kUF: range is 0.02 to 0.07, the default is 0.04.
Response Time: range is 0.5s to 5.0s, the default is 0.5s.
c-4.1.2) Reconnection Set
When the Safety is RULE 21, the user can set the Time here. 5 minutes is default, and
the setting value ranges from 1 minute to 5 minutes.
When the Safety is RULE 14H, the user can set the Time, MaxVolt, MinVolt, MaxFreq
and MinFreq.
Time: the range is 1 minute to 10 minutes, and the default is 5 minutes.
MaxVolt: the range is 101% to 110%, the default is 110%.
MinVolt: the range is 88% to 99%, the default is 88%.
MaxFreq: the range is 60.1Hz to 61.0Hz.
MinFreq: the range is 59.0Hz to 59.9Hz.
Reconnection Time
(6) Volt-Watt Mode
Func Select
Volt-Watt Mode means that the inverter may change its active power output
with changes in grid voltage.
Func Select: ON or OFF can be chosen.
StartOfApwrRed: means adjustment range of the start of active power reduction,
the default value is 106.0% Prated/V.
StopOfApwrRed: means adjustment range of the stop of active power reduction,
the default value is 108% Prated/V.
SlopeOfApwrRed: means the slope of the active power response to change in
voltage, the default value is 50% Prated/1% Vnom.
c-4.1.4) Power Limit
This function can limit the power of inverter.
Power Limit
c-4.1.5) Export Control
This function controls the energy exported to the grid.
There is a user value and a factory value. The factory value is the default which
cannot be changed by the user. The user value set by the installer must be less than
the factory value.
c-4.1.3) Grid Configuration Select
The user can set the grid configuration here, and 240V is default.
Grid Conf-Select