Verifying StorEdge Components Functionality
Upon installation and configuration completion, the system should be operating according to the
selected StorEdge application.
This section describes how to verify that all system components are functioning as expected. If not, refer
To check the meter and inverter:
1. Verify that AC is ON.
2. Check the meter (installed in export or consumption position, CT arrows point to the grid):
a. Turn the inverter ON/OFF switch to OFF.
b. Connect loads on one of the measured phases.
c. Press the external LCD light button to display the Import or Consumption meter status screen
(depending on the connection point), and check that the import or consumption energy (Energy
[Wh]) is greater than 0 (may take a few minutes, depending on the loads size):
I m p o r t M e t e r
S t a t u s :
< O K / E r r o r # >
P o w e r [ W ] :
x x x x x . x
E n e r g y [ W h ] :
X X X X X . X
d. Press the LCD light button to display the Export meter status screen, and check that the Export
power is equal to zero. If it is not zero, check the CT direction on all connected phases.
3. Turn the inverter ON/OFF switch to ON.
4. Turn the StorEdge Connection Unit switch to ON.
5. While the modules are exposed to sunlight (PV system is connected to the grid and the inverter is
producing power), press the inverter LCD light button to display the power status screen, and check
that the grid AC output (Vac) increases to 220-240V, and the total AC output power produced (Pac):
V a c [ V ] V d c [ V ] P a c [ W ]
2 4 0 . 7
3 7 1 . 9
2 3 4 9 . 3
P _ O K : X X X / Y Y Y < S _ O K >
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To check Backup:
1. Disconnect the AC power by shutting off the AC at the main distribution panel. The inverter should
disconnect from the grid, and continue supplying power to the backed-up loads.
Switching to Backup mode takes a few seconds. The LCD screen will show tha Backup mode is ON:
V a c [ V ] V d c [ V ] P a c [ W ]
2 4 0 . 7 3 7 1 . 9 2 3 4 9 . 3
P _ O K : X X X / Y Y Y < S _ O K >
B a c k u p M o d e O N
Chapter 9: System Configuration