transmits the number in periodical info-messages. If, as an example, the door contact is connected to the port, the
module registers each open/close cycle and regularly broadcasts number of cycles from last reset of the counter. If
it is required to send a message immediately after each opening/closing of the door, it is necessary to preset the
port (counter) into the
alarm mode
. For increasing of detection reliability it is necessary to involve
for each sensor input as described above (see description of ”dmode” command). By involving the filter, the
detection will be more resistant to false alarms caused by any signal disturbances on the input wire.
Alarm mode” can be activated for chosen port by using of
command, followed by parameter with 0,
1, 2 or 3 value. If
value is preset, alarm mode is switched off. If
value is entered, the input is switched to
alarm mode and generates alarm in 1-to-0 transition (e.g. when the smoke sensor contact is switched on). If
value is entered, the input is switched to alarm mode and generates alarm in 0-to-1 transition (e.g. when the door
are opened and the door contact is switched off). If
value is entered, the input is switched to alarm mode and
generates alarm in both transitions (e.g. when the door is opened as well as when it is closed) .
Example of setting port No 2 (index ”1”) to ”2” value, where the module transmits alarm when the sensor goes to
”1” status (released contact), and follow-up checking of settings of all ports:
cfg#alr1 2
Alr[1] = 2 - rising
Alr[0] = 3 - both
Alr[1] = 2 - rising
As shown in the example, second port was switched to alarm mode with sending an alarm only in 0-to-1 transition
(released contact). From the follow-up checking of all ports status (by using of ”alr” command without index) it is
clear, that there is the alarm mode with both announced transitions on the first port and that the alarm mode is
switched off on the third and fourth port.
Alarm message always contains
actual status
after transition (value is ”0” or ”1”) and a relevant
port identifi-
, coded into DIF-code as follows:
- status of ”0” input - DIF=31
- status of ”1” input - DIF=71
VIF code is alway set to ”FD 3A” value, that in M-Bus coding system means dimensionless value (
- no ViF” option).
If some of the inputs is preset to alarm mode, actual status of the connected sensor is regularly broadcasted in each
info-message and the format of the information is the same, as used in alarm message. Data segments with status of
alarm” ports are attached to the very end of the message (i.e. after
Uptime” segment - see section
of module data messages”). If the alarm message is lost during broadcasting, the information about actual status
of the sensor will be synchronized with reality after next info-message is received.
From the WB169-SI2 module point of view the ”normal status” means ”1” value on the input and ”error status”
means ”0” value on the input. On basic (factory) setting the alarm messages are universally interpreted as
status” (OID 60 value ”5”) and
normal status” (OID 60 value ”4”), when
transition to alarm status
change of input value from
(open contact) to
(closed contact). Even the module definition of normal and
error status is fixed, by using of ”alcerr[index]” and ”alcok[index]” commands there is possible to preset outgoing
alarm messages such way, that their meaning will be inverse (transition to module’s ”error” will be declared as
”OK” and vice versa). Selection of suitable couple of alarm messages enables also more accurate description of the
Different (even inverse) meaning of
”1” to ”0” transition
(closing of contact) can be preset by using of
Different meaning of
”0” to ”1” transition
(opening of contact) can be preset by using of
Change of meaning can be done by choosing of convenient couple of alarm codes (e.g. ”Open” - ”Close”) and setting
of these codes to both status transitions in accordance with real values on the module input. Actual list of alarm
codes is available at the
Current setting of alarm message interpretation codes can be found with using of the commands without parameter: