Stabiliser Hand Pump
Al lows the sta bi lis ers to be raised or low ered us ing
the hand pump in the event of the nor mal sys tems
fail ure.
Figure 13.17 - Stabiliser Hand Pump
Powered Jockey Wheel
Figure 13.18 - Powered Jockey Wheel
Switch on oil flow to the hy drau lic mo tor
by op er -
at ing the valve le ver
. Steer ing is by the han dle
and op er at ing valve le ver
con trols for -
ward or re verse move ment.
Lift and hold up the le ver
to move for ward and
press down and hold the le ver
to re verse.
Figure 13.18 - Stowing the Powered Jockey
When stow ing the wheel for trav el ling undo the lock
, slide the wheel as sem bly side ways and
swing the as sem bly for ward (in the di rec tion of the
ar row). Lo cate the lock ing pin in the hole
tighten the lock nut.
It is not possible to operate the hydraulic outlet in
the basket (if installed) while the valve lever
controlling oil flow to the jockey wheel is turned
It is recommended practice to switch off the oil
flow control lever for the jockey wheel as soon as
maneuvering is completed.
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Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
13. Options