Low Voltage Insulated Machines
The only exception is for MHP15/44HD's which are
specifically built as low voltage insulated
These low volt age in su lated ma chines are in su -
lated to 1000V AC RMS or 1500V DC.
If your machine is a low voltage insulated
model you will need to ensure that you read
Chapter 2 - "Safety - Low Voltage Insulation"
as well as this chapter.
Pre-start Inspection
At the start of each work shift, the MHP15/44HD
shall be given a vi sual in spec tion and func tion test.
See the “Pre-op er a tional In spec tion and Main te -
nance” chap ter 9, in this man ual for a list of items to
in spect and test.
DO NOT operate the MHP15/44HD unless
you are trained and authorized, understand
t h e o p e r a t i o n c h a ra c t e r i s t i c s o f t he
MHP15/44HD, and have inspected and
tested all functions to be sure they are in
proper working order.
NEVER use an MHP15/44HD that has a
known fault or is malfunctioning in any way
until the machine has been repaired by a
qualified technician.
Operating a machine in faulty condition
could result in death or serious injury.
Whilst some of the safety rules and guidelines
that follow may not apply specifically to this
machine (e.g. references to driving) they are
included as part of an overall safety strategy
relating to the use of elevating work platforms.
Work Place Inspection and Practices
Do not use the MHP15/44HD as a ground for weld -
ing. Ground to the work piece.
Be fore the MHP15/44HD is used, and dur ing use,
check the area in which the MHP15/44HD is to be
used for pos si ble haz ards such as, but not lim ited
Drop-offs or holes.
Side slopes.
Bumps and floor obstructions.
Overhead obstructions and electrical
Hazardous locations.
Inadequate surface and support to withstand
all load forces imposed by the aerial platform
in all operating configurations.
Wind and weather conditions.
Presence of unauthorized persons.
Other possible unsafe conditions.
fore the MHP15/44HD is used, de
mine the
haz ard clas si fi ca tion of any par tic u lar at mo sphere
or lo ca tion ac cord ing to ANSI/NFPA 505.
Any MHP15/44HD op er ated in a haz ard ous lo ca -
tion must be ap proved and of the type re quired by
While operating the MHP a recommended safety
practice is to have trained and qualified personnel
in the immediate work area of the MHP15/44HD to:
Help in case of an emergency.
Operate emergency controls as required.
Watch for loss of control by platform
Warn the operator of any obstructions or
hazards that may not be obvious to them.
Watch for soft terrain, sloping surfaces,
drop-offs, etc., where stability could be
Watch for bystanders and never allow
anyone to be under, or to reach through the
booms while operating the aerial platform.
Pinch points may exist between moving
components. Death or serious injury can
result from becoming trapped between
components, buildings, structures, or other
obstacles. Make sure there is sufficient
clearance around the machine before
moving the chassis, booms, or platform.
Allow sufficient room and time to stop
movement to avoid contact with structures
or other hazards.
Keep ground per son nel from un der the plat form
when the plat form is raised.
Se cure all ac ces so ries, con tain ers, tools, and
other ma te ri als in the plat form to pre vent them from
ac ci den tally fall ing or be ing kicked off the plat form.
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Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
1. Safety