Slew switch:
Pressing this switch to the left
causes the column/boom/platform assembly
to rotate to the right, whilst pressing the
switch to the left causes the
column/boom/platform assembly to rotate to
the left.
Platform rotate switch:
Pressing the switch
to the left causes the 'platform only' to rotate
to the left, whilst pressing the switch to the
right causes the 'platform only' to rotate to
the right.
Starting From Ground Control Box
Machines with Hydraulic Controls
Before you begin to operate the MHP15/44HD from
the ground control box, a qualified operator must
perform the "Pre-operational Inspection" as
described in chapter 9, of this manual.
To start the en gine from the ground con trol box do
the fol low ing:
1. Set the
Emergency Stop
to ON
(see Figure 10.17).
Figure 10.17 - Ground Control Box Starting
2. Set the
Platform/Ground Selector
to GROUND (see Figure 10.17).
3. Insert the key
(see Figure 10.17) into the
Master Key Switch
and turn the key on.
4. If the engine is at ambient temperature
(cold), hold the
Choke / Cold Start Switch
(see Figure 10.17) up throughout the next
5. Turn the key to
and hold it there un til
the en gine starts or for a max i mum time of 6
sec onds. When the en gine starts re lease the
and the choke switch
, if you used it
(see Figure 10.17).
If the engine does not start in 6 seconds turn
the key off and release the choke. Wait 60
seconds before trying to restart the engine
again. Continual cranking of the starter
motor will only result in its damage.
The en gine should now be run ning, and the sta bi -
lis ers need to be set be fore the MHP15/44HD is
ready to be gin work (see 'set ting the sta bi lis ers' de -
scribed ear lier in this chap ter).
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
page 10 - 7
10. Operation