Gravity gate
Figure 3.9 - Gravity Gate
The grav ity gate is the place in the plat form guard -
rail sys tem where you should en ter and leave the
plat form. Raise the gate and step un der it onto the
plat form. Once you have en tered the plat form and
at tached your fall re straint lan yard to an an chor
point, check to see that the grav ity gate has fallen
back into place.
Figure 3.10 - Guardrails
The guardrails help protect you from falling off the
platform. Be sure the guardrails are properly
installed and that the gravity gate or swinging gate
is in place.
10.9m height restriction kit (Option)
This kit may be fitted to machines manufactured for
the Australian market.
It is fitted to restrict the maximum height to the
platform floor to 10.9m from the ground. This is to
allow the unit to be operated by unlicensed
o p e r a t o r s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h A u s t r a l i a n
See the Options chapter page 5 for details
concerning this kit.
Foot switch
Figure 3.11 - Foot Switch
The foot switch prevents the platform from moving
if something accidentally pushes one of the
platform-moving controls on the platform control
box. Stepping on the foot switch is an action that
must be performed, at the same time as another
action, to make the platform move.
NOTE - Foot Switch
For machines with hydraulic controls the foot
switch is an option only.
Bubble level
Figure 3.12 - Bubble Level
A bub ble level is lo cated on the trailer side rail, be -
side the out rig ger con trols. Watch the bub ble level
while you set the sta bi lis ers. Lower the sta bi lis ers,
one at a time, just enough to cen ter the bub ble in
the cir cle on top of the guage. When the bub ble is
cen tered the plat form is level and can be safely
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3. Safety Devices