AC Outlet RCD/ELCB (option)
Figure 9.27 - AC Outlet RCD/ELCB
If the MHP15/44HD has this option fitted check the
RCD works by connecting a power source to the
base inlet and an appliance to the platform outlet.
Push the test but ton on the RCD/ELCB de vice and
the power out let at the plat form should not work.
RCD/ELCB devices should only be replaced
by a qualified electrician.
LV Insulated MHP15/44HD
Insulation Covers
In spect all the in su la tion cov ers on knuckle joints,
cyl in ders etc. Look for cracks, cor ro sion, chips or
any form of struc tural dam age to the cov ers.
Fibreglass Basket
In spect the in te rior and ex te rior of the bas ket for
any form of dam age or cor ro sion. Look for cracks,
es pe cially in the bot tom of the bas ket (which are of -
ten eas i est to see from un der neath).
Check the op er a tion of the emer gency exit door.
Boom insulation Covering
Check the boom in su la tion cov er ing for any signs
of crack ing or cor ro sion.
Check that all insulating surfaces and covers are
clean and free from dirt and all other contaminants.
Clean with soap and water and dry with a soft, lint
free cloth.
For contaminants that can not be removed with
soap and water use methylated spirits or
denatured alcohol followed by soap and water.
Placards and Decals
Look to see that all plac ards and de cals are in place
and leg i ble. Clean dirty or ob scured de cals with
soap and wa ter and a soft lint cloth. Re place any
miss ing or il leg i ble plac ards or de cals be fore plac -
ing the MHP15/44HD into ser vice for the daily work
Owing to manufacturing variances and customer
preferences there may be some small differences
in the decal layout on specific machines.
NOTE Safety Decals:
Details of the safety decals and their locations
are listed in the Safety chapter(s) near the
beginning of this manual.
Placards and Decals
Machines with Electric Controls
ment de
cals and plac
ards for the
MHP15/44HD are avail able from Snor kel deal ers.
Standard placards and decals
See pages 9 - 10 and 9 - 11 for the de cal list and lo -
ca tions of in di vid ual de cals.
Placards and Decals
Machines with Hydraulic Controls
ment de
cals and plac
ards for the
MHP15/44HD are avail able from Snor kel deal ers.
Standard placards and decals
See pages 9 - 12 and 9 - 13 for the de cal list and lo -
ca tions of in di vid ual de cals.
Placards and Decals
Low Voltage Insulated Machines
ment de
cals and plac
ards for the
MHP15/44HD are avail able from Snor kel deal ers.
Standard placards and decals
See pages 9 - 14 and 9 - 15 for the de cal list and lo -
ca tions of in di vid ual de cals.
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
page 9 - 9
9. Pre-operational Inspection