Battery Fluid Level
Batteries emit hydrogen and oxygen,
elements that can combine explosively.
DO NOT smoke or permit open flames or
sparks when checking batteries.
Figure 9.6 - Battery Fluid Level
Remove the caps from the battery and visually
check to see that the battery fluid is 1/4” (6 mm)
below the bottom of the filler neck inside each hole.
Hydraulic Oil Level
To check the hy drau lic oil level:
Com pletely lower the booms and en sure the sta bi -
lis ers are in the stowed po si tion.
Figure 9.7 - Hydraulic Oil Level
The hy drau lic oil level should be be tween the two
marks on the dipstick.
If nec es sary, add hy drau lic oil at the filler cap. See
the “Spec i fi ca tions” chap ter 4, for type and grade of
hy drau lic oil.
Hydraulic Oil Leaks
Leaking hydraulic oil can cause burns, fires,
falls (slipping), cuts, and puncture wounds
(if under high pressure).Do not search for
leaks with your hand. Have a qualified
trained maintenance person repair all
hydraulic fluid leaks before you operate an
Hy drau lic oil leaks are eas ily vis i ble and can show
up any place.
Vi sually in spect the en tire ma chine for hy drau lic oil.
Check the ground un der the ma chine for leaked oil.
Care fully in spect the ends of the up per and lower
booms. Oil can run down in side of the booms and
drip out the end.
spect all fit
tings and hoses for leaks. In
hoses for signs of dam age from chaff ing or rub bing
against pro tru sions on the chas sis.
Bolts and Fasteners
Vi sually in spect all fas ten ers to see that none is
miss ing or ob vi ously loose.
Figure 9.8 - Critical Pin Retainer Bolts
Crit i cal pin re tainer bolts have lock tab wash ers fit -
ted, they should all be pres ent and not dam aged in
any way.
Figure 9.9 - Wheel Nuts
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9. Pre-operational Inspection