Use of a non-ap proved cap with out proper vent ing
may re sult in pres sur iza tion of the tank.
Never use fuel for clean ing pur poses.
For die sel en gines, use the cor rect fuel grade for
the op er at ing sea son.
Charge bat ter ies in a well ven ti lated area free of
flame, sparks, or other haz ards that might cause
fire or ex plo sion.
Batteries give off hydrogen and oxygen that
can combine explosively. Death or serious
injury can result from a chemical explosion.
Do not smoke or permit open flames or
sparks when checking batteries.
Battery acid can damage the skin and eyes.
Serious infection or reaction can result if
medical treatment is not given immediately.
Wear face and eye protection, rubber gloves
and protective clothing when working near
If acid contacts your eyes, flush immediately
with clear water and get medical attention. If
a c i d c o n t a c t s y o u r s k i n , w a s h o f f
immediately with clear water.
10.9 Metre Restriction Kit
Ma chines that are built for the Aus tra lian mar ket
may be fit ted with a 10.9m re stric tion kit.
This kit is fit ted to re strict the max i mum height to
the plat form floor at 10.9 me ters from the ground.
This is to al
low the unit to be op
ated by
unlicensed op er a tors in ac cor dance with Aus tra -
lian leg is la tion.
The operator MUST hold a WP Certificate of
Competency in order to operate the machine
at heights in excess of 11m.
See the Op tions chap ter page 5 for de tails
con cern ing this kit.
Safety Decals and Placards
There are a num ber of safety de cals and plac ards
on the MHP15/44HD. Their lo ca tions and de scrip -
tions are shown in this sec tion on the fol low ing
pages. Take time to study them.
Be sure that all the safety decals and
placards on the MHP15/44HD are legible.
Clean or replace them if you cannot read the
words or see the pictures. Clean with soap &
water and a soft cloth. Do not use solvents.
Some decals and decal placement differs
between machines with electric controls and
those with hydraulic controls. Please ensure
that you refer to the correct drawing in the
following section.
(Drawings are labeled as 'Machines with
Electric Controls' or 'Machines with Hydraulic
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
page 1 - 5
1. Safety