To access the PIR sensor sensitivity adjust switch, open the battery door.
You can find the PIR Sensitivity switch located on the left hand side of
the battery compartment. Slide to the right to set to regular safety mode.
Alarm set at this mode allows the PIR sensor and the water motion
sensors to operate separately. You can turn either one of the sensors ON
or OFF, or turn both ON or OFF.
Alarm set at this mode allows a multi-level protection to your pool. If the
PIR Sensor is turned ON and it detects any motion around the pool area
within its detection range, it will check the water motion sensor if it is
turned ON or not. If the water motion sensor is turned Off at that
moment, the unit will wake up the microprocessor to turn ON the water
motion sensor. The water motion sensor will stay ON until one minute
after the intruder left the pool area.
The unit will make a pulsation beep as long as the intruder stays and
moves around the pool area within its detection range. At the same
time, the unit will send a wireless signal to the receiver.
When the receiver gets this signal, it will keep saying “CHECK THE POOL”
until The intruder left the pool area.
If you use a pool cleaner, it is recommended you NOT select this
enhanced safety mode to avoid false water motion sensor trigger. Use
regular safety mode instead.