Highlighting the box beside
Auto Login
allows you to select a User to be automatically logged in when
the DVR is powered up. It can also be set to never automatically login a user.
Highlighting the box beside
Auto Logout
allows you to select from a list of times that the user will be
automatically logged out. The options are: Never, 1 min., 3 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 20 min.,
25 min., 30 min. and 1 hr.
You can save your changes by highlighting
and pressing the button. Selecting
exits the
screen without saving the changes.
Shutdown Screen
in the System menu and press the
button. The
screen displays asking you to confirm
whether or not you want to shut the system down.
After selecting
and pressing the button, a screen
will appear telling you when it is safe to disconnect power.
Figure 41 — Shutdown screen.
Logout Screen
in the System menu and press the button.
screen displays asking you to confirm whether or
not you want to log out the current user.
After selecting
and pressing the button, the user
will be logged out.
Figure 42 — Logout screen.
Network & Notification Setup
In the Main screen, use the Left or Right arrow buttons to display the Network menu.
Figure 43 — Network menu.