Technical Manual Ventilation in relation to the outdoor temperature
Winter factor
The winter factor is used to influence the ventilation with changes in the outside
temperature, before the temperature in the house is affected.
Factor 1.0 gives no effect. Factor 0.5 results in half ventilation with a drop in the out-
side temperature of 12 °C. Delays in changes
Roof inlet delay
A negative delay means that side intake opens before roof intake.
Side inlet delay
Delay of change to roof mode. Inlet without feedback
Stop fan if inlet below
In livestock houses with curtain openings, it can be difficult to change the curtain
position due to the negative pressure when the fans are running. It is possible to
stop the fans temporarily while the curtain run at smaller curtain openings than
stated here.
Accept band
The air intake is only regulated if the current position deviates more from the de-
sired position than the accept band allows. Cycle time
The objective of the cycle timer function is to enable the control of air currents in the house at a minimum venti-
lation requirement.
This function activates the ventilation briefly, thereby sending a stronger air jet through the livestock house. It
ensures a thorough replacement of air inside the livestock house.
Cycle time
Side ventilation
Cycle time. The total running time for steps, which modulate (ON + OFF-time) or at
Cycle time.
Minimum ON/OFF time. When a step is activated, it will be ON/OFF for at least this
time. ON/OFF at Cycle time.
Air inlet delay
Open: Opening delay of air inlet at Cycle time.
Close: Closing delay of air intake at Cycle time.
Please note that the cycle time function in side mode is only available when a setting is made for the
air inlet
. Also, see the section
Setting of minimum air inlet [