Step 2
Enter the following information:
To install publicly addressed servers on your network (e.g., Web or ftp
servers), you need to apply for an IP address for each server plus one for the LAN
port of the Wireless Router. All these public IP addresses have to belong to the
same IP network.
Public IP Address
: the public IP address for the LAN interface on the
Wireless Router.
Public IP Netmask
: the network mask for the public network address on
your LAN.
Private IP Address
: the private IP address for the LAN interface on the
Wireless Router. The default private IP address is If you
want to create your own private network through other Wireless Router at
remote office locations, you need to make sure that each Wireless Router
on each LAN is assigned an address in a unique private IP network .
If you use a PC (that obtains an IP address automatically) to change the
private IP address (e.g., from the default of to
either from the browser or through a telnet session, right after the change is
made, you will no longer be able to communicate with your Wireless Router. To
reconnect, you need to re-boot your computer, so that your device will re-acquire
a new IP address and the default Gateway from the Wireless Router based on the
new private IP network address. Your device will then again be able to
communicate with your Wireless Router. For the same reason, all devices on the
LAN need to be restarted before they can access the Internet again.
Private IP Netmask:
the network mask for your private network. Its
value is and can be changed.
The Wireless Router private address of 192.168.xxx.yyy is called a
“Class C” IP address. This means that changing xxx will change the
network while changing yyy will assign a different address in the same
Primary DNS IP Address
: the IP address of the primary Domain Name
LAN Interface
Public IP address
Private IP address
workstations on
Public computers
on your public
Modem or EWAN Interface
(IP address usually assigned by ISP)
your private