Tour with Vehicle Kit User Guide
The “Radio Was Removed From
Dock” message is being shown
You have connected a USB cable to Tour and removed Tour
from the dock . Remove the USB cable and place Tour in a
dock to use Tour .
The “Episode Not Available”
message is being shown
An On Demand episode has become unavailable . Tune to a
different On Demand episode .
The “Station Not Available”
message is being shown
A Pandora Station that was previously tuned is unavailable .
Tune to a different Pandora Station, or try tuning the station
again later . Also verify that Tour has a Wi-Fi connection and a
strong Wi-Fi signal .
The “Slow Network Connection”
message is being shown
The current Wi-Fi connection is slow and Tour cannot play the
currently tuned content . This condition may clear itself after
a short time . Also check that the Wi-Fi connection has strong
Wi-Fi signal .
The “Something Went Wrong”
message is being shown
Tour has encountered an unknown problem with the Wi-
Fi connection . Verify that Tour has a Wi-Fi connection and
a strong Wi-Fi signal . Try tuning to a different channel or
content .
The “Subscription Updated”
message is being shown
Tour has received a subscription update . This message is
received when you have changed your subscription plan, or
SiriusXM has had a channel lineup change .
The “Channel Cannot Be Added To
Favorites” message is being shown
The channel you have attempted to save as a favorite cannot
be saved as a favorite .
The “Cannot Set Notifications”
message is being shown
The song, artist, or team that you attempted to save for alerts
cannot be saved for alerts . Alerts cannot be saved for some
select content .
The “Skip Limit Reached for XX
Minutes” message is being shown
Some content has Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
limitations for skipping, generally music . The maximum
amount of skips allowed have been used, but will be available
again after the amount of time shown has elapsed .
The “Unable To Create Artist
Station” message is being shown
Tour has encountered a problem creating the selected
Pandora Station . Try again at a later time .
The “Jump Is Unavailable” message
is being shown
Tour is unable to jump back to the previously tuned content .
Tour takes a long time to start up
The startup time of Tour is due to the fact that Tour uses
Android as the OS, and that the SiriusXM software is layered
on top of it, making for a longer boot up time, similar to other
devices using Android as the OS .
I subscribed Tour but Tour will not
tune to any channel except for
channel 1
After a subscription plan is purchased, Tour needs to be
authorized both for satellite and Internet streaming services .
See the next issue for the procedure to authorize your Tour .