Getting started
857-164636 / Rev.A
The water temperature is an important parameter. Fish and bait
are temperature sensitive, and they are normally found within
specific temperature zones for feeding and spawning.
However, the temperature layers in the water are changing
constantly, and for this reason the temperature must be
monitored constantly. Fishing in an area with unfavourable
water temperature might be just a waste of time!
For any kind of trawling, use this sensor to monitoring and log
the temperature. Then, increase your knowledge about the
correlation between temperature, fish concentration and catch
efficiency. On a purse seine net, monitor the temperature to see
when you are passing the thermo-cline.
Related topics
Purse seine, application, page 21
Danish seine, application, page 22
Bottom trawl, application, page 23
Pelagic trawl, application, page 24
Sensor configuration, page 84
PI Bottom Contact, page 87
PS Bottom Contact, page 91
PI Catch, page 95
PS Catch, page 100
PI Depth, page 104
PS Depth, page 109
PI Height, page 114
PI Rip, page 118
PI Spread & Remote, page 123
PI Temperature, page 133
PS Temperature, page 139