S i 4 0 1 0 - C 2
Rev. 1.0
Revision 0.1 to Revision 0.2
Completely revised data sheet revision 0.1 to include
MCU operation
Reformatted data sheet to correspond with MCU
data sheet format
Removed RKE application, focus on general MCU +
Tx usage
Included 14P SOIC package and pin information
Updated Section “4. Ordering Information” on
page 15
Updated Section “10. Electrical Characteristics” on
page 28
Revision 0.2 to Revision 0.5
Updated data sheet for revision B and C silicon
Changed standby supply current to < 10 nA
Increase data rate to 100 kBaud for FSK and
50 kBaud for OOK
Corrected maximum clock frequency of the LPOSC
to 24 MHz
Updated section 2. Ordering Information to reflect
the revision B and C silicon
Updated table 7.3 DC Characteristics to reflect
revision B and C silicon
Updated table 7.4 Si4010 RF Transmitter
Characteristics to reflect revision B and C silicon
Fixed block diagram in figure 8.1. Test Block
Diagram with 10-pin MSOP Package
Updated section 10. System Description text for
revision B and C silicon
Updated section 11. Power Amplifier text for revision
B and C silicon
Updated section 23. System Boot and NVM
Programming for revision B and C silicon
Updated section 36. Additional Reference
Resources to include new application notes
Revision 0.5 to Revision 0.6
Removed revision B part numbers and replaced with
revision C part numbers Si4010-C2-GT and Si4010-
Revision 0.6 to Revision 1.0
Updated electrical specifications to final values.