179. Slide the unfinished end of the pushrod through the Elevator Pushrod Sleeve that is already in the fuselage. Slide it in from
the servo end. Slide it in until you can hook the Solder Link in the elevator servo arm.
At the elevator end, cut off the excess nylon pushrod tube, leaving 2-1/2" of tube sticking out of the fuselage side.
Mount the Medium Nylon Control Horn in place on the bottom of the elevator with two #2 x1/2" Sheet Metal Screws. Make
sure the horn lines up with the end of the elevator pushrod tube.
Cut a 2-56 x10" Threaded Steel Rod to 3-1/8" long (including the threaded portion). Smooth the cut end of the rod and
insert it into the end of the elevator pushrod tube. When you get to the threads, screw it in until half of the threads are
inside the tube and half are outside. Next, thread a Nylon R/C Link onto the exposed threads, roughly centering it on the
threads. Center the elevator servo and elevator in neutral position. Then, adjust the Nylon R/C Link until it can be snapped
into the control horn.
Locate the parts bag for the rudder pull-pull system. Cut the .021" dia. x6 ft. Steel Cable provided into two 3 ft. long pieces.
Cut the 1/8" dia. x2" piece of Heat-Shrink Tubing into four 1/2" long pieces.
Slide a piece of heat-shrink tubing onto the end of one of the 3 ft. cables, followed
by one of the 1/2" long Aluminum Tubes provided. Then, thread the end of the
cable through the outermost hole in the rudder servo output arm, giving yourself
about 4" - 5" to work with. Make a half loop out of the servo arm and run the short
end of the cable back through the aluminum tube. Pull the tube up to the servo
arm, about 1/2" away from it. Take the short end of the cable and loop it back
around and through the aluminum tubing again, pulling it tight. Use a pliers or a
crimping tool to squeeze the aluminum tube tightly onto the cable, locking it in
place. Cut off the excess short end of the cable. Slide the heat shrink tubing over
the aluminum tube and use heat to shrink it in place. Now, repeat the steps to
install the other 3 ft. cable in the opposite servo arm hole.
Slide a 36" length of thin music wire (not supplied) through the rudder exit guide at the back of the fuselage, then, forward
through the fuselage and out the door opening. Tape the unfinished end of the pull-pull cable onto the end of the music
wire and then, carefully pull the cable through the fuselage and out the exit guide. Repeat to bring the other rudder pull-pull
cable out on the other side of the fuselage.
Mount the rudder servo in the plywood servo tray in the fuselage. Center the
rudder servo with the radio system. Temporarily tape the rudder in neutral
Locate the two Rigging Couplers, two 2-56 Hex Nuts, and two 2-56 Steel R/C
Links. Screw a Hex Nut, followed by an R/C Link, onto the threaded end of each
Rigging Coupler. Screw them halfway up the threads. Clip these Rigging Coupler
assemblies into the outermost holes on each side of the rudder horn.
Working on one side of the fuselage at a time, slide a piece of heat-shrink tubing on unfinished the end of the pull-pull
cable, followed by an aluminum tube. Then, stick the end of the cable through the small hole in the end of the threaded
Rigging Coupler, giving yourself about 4" - 5" to work with. Make a half loop out the rigging coupler and run the short end
of the cable back through the aluminum tube. Pull the slack out of the cable as you slide the aluminum tube up to the
rigging coupler, about 1/2" away from it. Take the short end of the cable and loop it back around and through the aluminum
tubing again, pulling it tight. Use a pliers or a crimping tool to squeeze the aluminum tube tightly over the cable in two
places, locking it in place. Cut off the excess short end of the cable. Slide the heat-shrink tube over the aluminum tube and
shrink it in place. Repeat this process with the remaining cable on the opposite side of the rudder.
Now, with the rudder still taped in neutral, adjust the R/C links at the rudder horn to approximately the same mild tension -
do not pull the cables too tight. Remove the tape holding the rudder in place, plug the rudder servo into your airborne
system, turn on the transmitter and test the movement and centering of the rudder. Adjust as needed. When satisfied,
tighten the hex nuts up against the end of the R/C links to lock the links in place.