b. Assemble fuselage formers F-1, F-3, F-4, F-5, F-6, F-7, the Servo Tray, and Tank Floor in place between the fuselage
sides. Add the Fuselage Top Rear, Fuselage Bottom Rear, Cabin Floor Rear, Cabin Floor Front, Nose Top, and Stab
Mount between the fuselage sides. Use masking tape at each former to help hold everything in place.
Carefully eyeball the alignment of the fuselage. It should be very close to perfect, thanks to the accuracty of laser-cut parts.
If there are any persistent twists, now is the time to figure out what’s causing it and fix it. Once the fuselage is glued, it can’t
be realigned. Double check that the opening at the back end of the fuselage is square with the fuselage top. If necessary,
gently twist or push the parts in the desired direction and use masking tape to hold them there.
When satisfied that everything is lined up properly, start gluing all the parts in place with Thin CA, working from the inside
of the fuselage first. Start with small applications of glue in the corners, checking the fuselage alignment as you go. Keep
applying glue until the complete inside of the fuselage has been gone over once. Now go back and glue all joints with
MEDIUM CA. Leave the tape in place until all of the glue has dried.
Note: We do not recommend gluing the F-1 Firewall with CA glue. Use epoxy.
Once you’ve got the firewall glued in, cut two 4" long pieces of 1/2" balsa Triangle stock and glue in the corners behind the
firewall, for reinforcement. Make sure to locate the triangles on the topside of the lite-ply Nose Bottom.
Now is a good time to assemble your fuel tank and figure out how you’re going to mount it in the fuselage. We recommend
using blocks of scrap balsa or foam to block the tank in position. Note: If the recommended fuel tank is used (Du-Bro 12
oz.), you can do a trial installation now and then remove the tank for final installation after the airplane is covered.
Remove the fuel tank and dry fit a .130" od nylon tube for the throttle pushrod
through the hole in the firewall and back to the servo area. Slide the fuel tank
back in position, then insert the 1/16" od steel cable inside the nylon tube and
check for the movement. Correct any binding problems now, as it will be hard to
get to this area later on.
Glue the Nose Top (sheet 2) in place on the fuselage. You will need to tuck it
under the F-1A former and slide it up to the back of the firewall.
Cut the door loose from the Right
Fuselage Side. Set it aside until needed
Locate the Right and Left Cabin
Windows (sheet 21) and parts CR-1A
(sheet 15). Glue a CR-1A on the inside
(right side) of Left Cabin Window, and
one on the inside (left side) of the Right
Cabin Window.
The following steps a, b, and c should
be done without glue! The gluing will
come in step d.
Tape the Right and Left Cabin Windows
securely to the sides of former F-3.
Then tape former F-4A in place at the
rear of the Cabin Windows.
Cut two 5" long pieces of 1/4" sq. balsa and two 5" long pieces of 3/16" sq. balsa. Slide one of the 1/4" sq. pieces in the
bottom front notches of the cabin windows, spanning from one cabin window to the other. Likewise, insert one of the 3/16"
sq. pieces in the bottom rear notches cabin windows. Next, put the plywood Center-Section Web (sheet 27) in place on top
of the 1/4" sq. Put the balsa Rear Center Web (sheet 10) in on top of the 3/16" sq. Now insert the two CR-2 ribs (sheet 1)
in place over the front and rear webs and into formers F-3 and F-4A. You will need to untape F-3 and F-4A to do this -
when done, tape all the parts securely back together.