b. Round the two outside corners of the fittings with a file or grinder.
Lay the Fuselage Strut Fitting back over the plan pattern and mark the bend line exactly where shown. Clamp the part in a
vise right at the line, and gently bend it to the angle shown.
Hold the Fuselage Strut Fittings in place on the bottom of the fuselage and mark the location of the two mounting holes. Drill
the holes with a 1/8" dia. bit. Mount the Fuselage Strut Fittings to the fuselage with two 2-56 x 3/8" Bolts and 2-56 Blind
Nuts. Glue the Blind Nuts on the inside of the fuselage.
Inside the fuselage, add a 1/2" balsa triangle to the front edge of the rear landing gear block, between the blind nuts.
Locate four .060"x3/8"x2-1/4" pieces of aluminum for the Upper Strut Fittings. Lay
them on the Upper Strut Fittings drawing (plan sheet 3) and mark the locations for
the 1/8" and 3/32" dia. holes. Clamp the part in a vise and drill the holes.
Round the two outside corners of the fittings with a file or grinder.
Bend the Upper Strut Fittings as shown on the plan, making two #1 and two #2
fittings. The difference between the #1 and #2 Upper Strut Fittings is only in the
slant of their bend lines. Make sure you produce two of each type. Mark the bend
line exactly where shown, then clamp the part in a vise right at the line and gently
bend it to about a 20 degree angle.
Locate two .060"x15/16" (tapered) x2-3/16" aluminum Lower Strut Fittings. Lay
them on the Lower Strut Fittings drawing (plan sht.3) and mark the locations for
the 1/8" and 3/32" dia. holes. Clamp the part in a vise and drill the holes.
Round the two outside corners of the fittings with a file or grinder.
Epoxy the spruce Front and Rear Wing Struts onto the aluminum Lower Strut
Fittings. Double check them against the plan to make sure the "V" angle is correct.
Let dry.
Next, we need to trial fit the wing strut assemblies on the airplane, in preparation
for gluing the Upper Strut Fittings into the struts.
Use a #1 Upper Strut Fitting for the
Front Strut
Use a #2 Upper Strut Fitting for the
Rear Strut
Use a #2 Upper Strut Fitting for the
Front Strut
Use a #1 Upper Strut Fitting for the
Rear Strut
Bolt the wing panels in place on the fuselage.
Fasten the wing strut assemblies in position, one on each side of the fuselage,
bolting the Lower Strut Fittings to the Fuse Strut Fittings with 4-40 x3/8" Socket-
Head Bolts and Hex Nuts.
Bolt the Upper Strut Fittings to the plywood strut mounts built into the wing with 4-
40 x3/8" Rd.Hd. Bolts.
Check the fit of the Upper Strut Fittings into the slots in the top ends of the wing struts. If they don’t line up properly, double
check to see that you’ve got the correct upper fitting in the correct strut. If it’s not that, you may have to adjust the bend
angles of the upper strut fittings and/or the fuselage fitting slightly to get a good fit.