c. Put in the remaining 3/16" sq. and 1/4" sq. pieces in their respective notches.
Also, cut two 5" long pieces of 1/8"x1/4" balsa, and insert them in the upper and
lower notches in the rear of the ribs. Also, install the Hatch Mounts (sheet 26).
Now, you can glue all the parts in the cabin area together with Thin CA. Be sure
all the joints are tight when applying the glue. It’s critical that the cabin windows
are tight against former F-3, the spar webs, and the window braces, as this will
set the dihedral angle in the wings. When everything is glued and dry, you can
cut loose the right side window.
Carefully cut the "Door Window" portion of the Right Cabin Window loose. Set aside until needed later.
Locate former F-2 (sheet10) and the F-2 Angle Guide (sheet 20). Glue former F-
2 in place on the nose top, using the angle guide to set the proper angle.
Cut five pieces of 1/8"x1/4" balsa stick to use as stringers to run between formers
F-1A and F-2. It is best to glue in the center stringer first, using the F-2 angle
guide to make sure former F-2 stays in proper alignment. Then glue in the other
four stringers.
Cut the Right Fuselage Doubler, Left Fuselage Doubler, and Door Doubler loose
from laser-cut balsa sheet 18. Set these parts aside for a moment.
Before you can glue the Fuselage Doublers onto the outside of the fuselage, you
need to sand flush any former "tabs" that may be sticking out beyond the
fuselage sides.
Now, glue the Left and Right Fuselage Doublers in place on the fuselage.
Carefully cut the Right Window Doubler, Left Window Doubler, and Door Window
Doubler loose from laser-cut balsa sheet 23. Handle these parts very carefully as
they are easy to break at this point.
Glue the Left and Right Window Doublers in place on the fuselage.
Retrieve the Door that you cut loose from the Right Fuselage Side back in step
15, and the Door Doubler from step 20. Glue these two parts together, making
sure they are flush along their bottom edges.
Retrieve the Door Window that you cut loose from the Right Cabin Window back
in step 18, and the Door Window Doubler from step 21. Glue these two parts
together, making sure they are flush along their top edges.
Cut two 3/32"x3"x4-1/2" pieces of balsa from one of the 36" long sheets
provided. These are for sheeting over the top of the nose from F-1 to F-2. Once
you have the sheets cut, glue them on edge against the top edges of the
fuselage doublers. Let dry. Then bend the sheets over the top, gluing them to the
stringers and formers. Trim the two sheets where they meet over the center
When dry, sand the ends of the sheeting flush with the front of the F-1 firewall
and flush with the back of F-2. Builder’s Tip: If you having difficulty bending the
balsa sheeting without splitting, dampen the outer surface of the balsa with water
or alcohol to make it bend easier.