44. Screw the threaded end of the wire into the nylon tube from the outside of the
door. Screw it in until the threaded portion goes completely thru the tube and the
soldered washer is up against the outside of the door. Now place another #2 flat
metal washer on the opposite side of the door and screw on a 2-56 hex nut.
Locate the plywood Latch Pivot (sheet 26), the formed Front Door Lock and Rear
Door Lock wires, and two 1/4" od black Nylon Retainers. Install the bent ends of
the two wires in the outer holes of the Latch Pivot. Use a pair of pliers to press on
the Nylon Retainers.
Mount the latch assembly to the door handle with another #2 flat metal washer
and 2-56 hex nut. (Pay attention to the length of the two wires - the longer one
goes to the back of the door and the shorter one goes to the front.)
Cut two 1/2" long pieces of the .130" od nylon tube. Slide these tubes over the
lock wires and turn the latch in the lock position (wires out). Position the nylon
tubes near the edges of the door, as shown on the side view plan. Tack glue the
nylon tubes in place on the door.
Locate the two Molded Nylon Hinges and four Straight Pins. Cut the two hinges in
half to make four hinges. Assemble the four hinges with the pins, as shown. Cut
the excess length of the pins off with a sharp side-cutting pliers.
Hinge the Door to the fuselage with two
of the hinge assemblies from the
previous step. Refer to the side view
plan for the exact hinge locations. Note
that the hinge slots should be cut in the
outer 3/32" balsa doublers - don't try to
cut them in the glue line. You will also
need to countersink the knuckle of the
hinge into the bottom edge of the door,
so that you don't end up with a big hinge
DO NOT glue the hinges in the wood at this time - wait until after covering.
Cut one 1/2" long piece and one 1/4" long piece of the .130" od nylon tube. With the door hinged on the fuselage, and the
latch in the lock position (wires out), slide the 1/2" tube over the front lock wire and then tack glue it to the inside wall of the
fuselage. Slide the 1/4" over the rear lock wire and tack it in place. Double check that the latch works successfully. Then, go
back and reglue the four nylon tubes with a bead of Medium CA. Be careful not to get any glue inside the tubes.
Hinge the Door Window to the fuselage in the same manner you did the door in step 46. Note that the hinge slots in the
Door Window should be cut between the plywood and the balsa. Countersink the knuckle of the hinges into the top edge of
the window, so that you don't end up with a big hinge gap. You will also need to cut a little more off the width of the rear
hinge in order for it to match the width of the rear post. DO NOT glue the hinges into the Door Window at this time - wait
until after covering.
For the top half of the Door Window hinges, simply cut a notch thru the balsa window doubler on the fuselage, so that the
top half of the hinge will lay flat on the plywood rib. Go ahead and glue the top of the hinges to the plywood rib at this time.
You want them to be covered over with the covering material later.