Locate the 1/2"x1"x2" balsa Wing Tip Block and glue into place at the front of the wingtip.
Sheet the front of the wingtip, top, and bottom with 3/32"x3" balsa sheet.
Glue 3/32"x1/4" balsa capstrips to the top and bottom of rib W-6.
Carve and sand the tip block and the tip sheeting to flow into the wing leading edge and the wingtip.
Tape a piece of plain paper over one end of your sanding block to protect the capstrip while you sand a bevel in the edge of
the balsa TS-1, TS-2, and TS-3. Do this to the top and bottom of the wingtip.
Finish the wingtip by sanding the trailing edge of the wing panel end rib to blend in flush with the wing tip. Also, round off the
outside edges of the wingtip plate.
Cut two 3-3/8" long pieces of 1/4"x1/2"x16" grooved basswood Hatch Rail material
to fit between the two W-5 wing ribs. Glue one of the pieces right in front of the
3/16" sq. rear spar for the rear Hatch Rail. Study the plan drawings carefully to
understand the orientation of the Hatch Rails. Note that the top edge of the Hatch
Rail should be flush with the cap strips on the bottom of the wing.
Lay the plywood Aileron Hatch (sheet 7) in place on the lip of the rear Hatch Rail.
Now, place the front Hatch Rail on the lip so you can determine the exact location
for the front Hatch Rail. Glue the front Hatch Rail in place to the ribs.
Lay the plywood Aileron Hatch on the plan to make sure you understand where
the slot for the servo arm should end up. Then, lay the Aileron Hatch in the same
position in the wing (if you install it wrong, the pushrod will not line up with the
aileron horn). Drill pilot holes in the Hatch Rails with a 1/16" drill bit, using the
holes in the Hatch as a guide. Screw the Hatch in place with #2 x3/8" Sheet Metal
Pin the Aileron Bottom Sheet (sheet 9) flat onto the building board.
Cut a piece of 1/8"x1/4" balsa stick for the bottom Aileron Spar and glue it in place at the leading edge of the Aileron Bottom