147a. Cut a piece of material that will cover the entire left side of the fin, the left side of
the fuselage top, and all the way forward to the center section hatch.
Begin sealing the covering down to the fuselage top stringer, the fuselage corner
stringer, and to the hatch opening at the front. Pull out any large wrinkles or
sags in the covering as you work. To get more adhesion area, wrap the covering
material around the sides of the stringers. That way there will no chance that the
covering will come loose.
148a. Straighten out the rear end of the covering and adhere it to the tail fairing. Pull
the material as smooth and tight as possible, while you iron it to the fin. Don’t
forget to adhere it to the fin rib as well as the outside edges.
b. Cover the other side of the fin and fuselage top with a separate piece of
covering material.
c. Use a heat gun to slowly shrink both sides of the fin covering simultaneously.
The rest of the fuselage should be covered with three more pieces. One for the
bottom, one for the right side of the fuselage (including half of the nose), and
one for the left side (and other half of the nose).
Cover the top of removable center section hatch. Run the covering material around the edges and adhere it to the bottom.
Cover both sides of the door with separate pieces of covering material. Remove
the latch mechanism from the door before covering it. After the door is covered,
glue in the two hinges you fitted to the door way back in the fuselage
construction. Glue the other ends of the door hinges into the fuselage. Then,
reassemble the door handle and a latch, and make any final adjustments.
Cover the outside of the door window with covering material. We painted the
inside with matching Cub Yellow paint. Then hinge the door window to the
Covering The Tail Surfaces
The stabilizer is covered after it is mounted on the fuselage (see "Attaching The Tail Surfaces" earlier). Cover the bottom
of one side first. Trim a perfectly straight edge along the side of the covering material that will butt up to the fuselage side.
Adhere that edge to the stabilizer first. Then, straighten out the loose covering material and start sticking the other edges
down. Wrap the material slightly over halfway around the edges. Trim off the excess. Then, cover the top side with
another piece of covering material, in the same manner. After you have both sides covered, use a heat gun to shrink the
Cover the elevators and rudder, using a separate piece of material for each side. Wait until you have both sides covered
before shrinking the material tight. This helps avoid warps.
Attaching The Rudder
After the rudder is covered, epoxy the molded Nylon Rudder Horn at the bottom. Let dry.
Hinge the rudder to the back of the fuselage with three SIG Easy Hinges, following the same procedures you used to
hinge the elevators to the stabilizer earlier.
Painting The Wing Struts And Landing Gear
Prime and color paint the wing struts and landing gear with a paint of your choice. Because there are metal parts involved,
be sure to choose a primer that sticks well to metal. Aircraft dope does not stick as well to metal as epoxy primer does.